The best books for introverted leaders who need to get out of their own way.


photo credit: Christina @

Do you like to read? 🤔 

So do I! 😀 

Maybe you would like to read what I like to read...

If so, here is the web page for you:

"The best books for introverted leaders who need to get out of their own way" 

You can find my reviews of other people's books on, built by Ben Fox:

Allegedly, the article is a "1 min read", but that's doubtful. You will need at least five minutes to fully enjoy my brilliance. 💡  

Thank you, Erin King, Arlan Hamilton, Dr. Lois Frankel (fight on ✌️), Rachel Rodgers, and Alexandra Franzen for the inspiration.

Fellow introverted CEOs: 

What are your favorite books that help you get out of your own way? 📚 

Tell me in the comments. ⤵ 

Thanks for reading. 🙂