Sound the Alarm, and Share Your Story.


This is a bright red cone.

Have you ever wondered...

"Should I tell my story, before someone else tells it for me?"

"What if they tell it wrong?" 😮

They will tell it wrong.

So you need to tell it first.

Here are the 3 biggest reasons introverted CEOs should tell your story before someone else does, according to ChatGPT:


National Public Alert: Introverted CEOs in Media & Tech, Time to Sound the Alarm, and Share Your Story. 🚨

Attention all introverted CEOs in the media and tech industries! 📢 We interrupt your busy schedules with a critical message:

It's time to step forward and tell your story before the rumor mill does it for you. 

Here are the three biggest reasons why you should act now:

1. Control the Narrative. 

Don't let others control how your story is told. By speaking up and sharing your journey, you take the reins and ensure that the world hears the authentic voice behind your successes. Avoid misinterpretations, rumors, and speculations by owning your narrative today.

2. Inspire the Introvert Army. 

As introverted leaders, you have a unique power to inspire a whole community of introverted professionals. By revealing your challenges and triumphs, you show others that they too can thrive and lead in their own quiet yet impactful way. Your story can ignite a fire of confidence and passion among the introvert army. 🔥

3. Champion Authentic Leadership. 

Authenticity is the gold standard in leadership. By sharing your authentic self and experiences, you become a shining beacon of genuine leadership in the media and tech realms. Your peers, employees, and the entire industry will look up to you as a role model of true, impactful leadership. 

Time is of the essence. 🕰️

Step into the spotlight, tell your tale, and show the world what introverted leaders are made of. 

Let's celebrate the quiet power and transformative impact of our introverted CEOs.

hashtaThis message will now repeat until action is taken. 🚨

Remember, the power to change the narrative is in your hands. 🙌


Fellow introverted CEO, what is your story?

Tell me in the comments. ⤵

Or, do you need help figuring out what your story is? 🤷🏾‍♀️

Send me a message. 📩

Let’s start a conversation.

Thanks for reading.